Support The Vining Center

I find it fascinating that the gospel of John tells us exactly how many fish were in the net after an incognito Jesus tells the disciples to “throw your net on the other side of the boat”…as if a few feet one way or another would make a difference. How funny! And yet, it made all the difference. And the number of fish that filled their nets to overflowing was 153.

When you donate to The Vining Center, here’s what you’re supporting: coaching and spiritual direction for those who can’t afford it, written and audio resources for a deeper spiritual life, provision for those suffering food scarcity in the High Country, trash pickup to help redeem God’s creation, reconciliation services, spiritual retreats, and more!

We welcome you becoming part of the miraculous provision we need here at The Vining Center with either a one-time gift or a monthly contribution. Thank you for believing in this important work…and helping make it happen!